17 декабря 2016 года в 14.00 часов в Доме дружбы народов Красноярского края состоялось открытие передвижной выставки «Художники – немцы Сибири». Это финальная часть проекта серии передвижных выставок, запланированных на 2016 год в деятельности ОО КРНКАН. Выставка продолжит работу до 23 декабря.
Гостей города и организаторов выставки приветствовали:
Директор КГАУ «Дом дружбы народов Красноярского края»- Суворов Петр Иванович,
Председатель ОО КРНКАН –Кульшманова Ольга Васильевна,
Художники: Попп Алесандр Александрович, Вирт Надежда Александровна.
Председатель ОО КРНКАН Кульшманова Ольга Васильевна приветствовала гостей выставки и представила художников, членов общественной организации российских немцев Красноярского края, российских немцев: Поппа Александра Александровича (г. Красноярск), Гинтнера Юрия Гуговича (г. Ачинск), Вирт Надежду Александровну (г. Красноярск).
Художники представили свои работы, рассказали о техниках и своем творчестве.
После знакомства с авторами и их творчеством состоялась теплая беседа с гостями выставки за чашкой чая. Суворов П.И. - руководитель «Дома дружбы народов Красноярского края» ознакомил гостей Дома дружбы с деятельностью учреждения и перспективами дальнейшего развития взаимоотношений НКА в сфере гармонизации отношений народов, проживающих в нашем регионе и планами деятельности . Руководитель ОО КРНКАН – Кульшманова О.В. представила проекты предстоящего года с участием художников – немцев и представителей других национальностей, темы будущих выставок. Гости мероприятия обменялись мнениями о представленном вернисаже, пожелали успеха в новом проекте, объединяющих творческих людей разных народов.
18 декабря в 11 часов во Дворце Труда и Согласия состоялось празднование 4-го Адвента.
В этом году встреча в преддверии Рождества прошла в кругу старых и новых друзей из числа российских немцев Красноярского края. Приехали участники творческих коллективов, курсов немецкого языка и этнокультурных кружков из городов Енисейск, Канск, Уяр, Лесосибирск, Ачинск, Железногорск, п. Балахта. Хозяева праздника – красноярцы приготовили для гостей щедрые столы с угощениями из блюд немецкой национальной кухни. Вместе с гостями праздника организовали концертную программу. С творческими номерами выступали танцевальные коллективы г. Красноярска , театральный коллектив г. Красноярска, вокальные группы и исполнители из г. Уяр, г. Енисейска, Ачинска, п. Балахта, юные гимнастки из Красноярска и Железногорска исполняли гимнастические танцы, маленький скрипач из города Канска радовал красотой классических произведений, а также дети и взрослые, изучающие немецкий язык – знание литературы, стихотворных произведений о Рождестве, рождественские поздравления.
С приветствием и поздравлениями гостей из общественной организации российских немцев выступали:
Начальник отдела по делам национальностей, религии и казачества Управления общественных связей Губернатора края Рамазанова Марина Хасиметовна, председатель ОО КРНКАН Кульшманова Ольга Васильевна и член Совета организации Гамбург Александр Александрович, председатель Местной автономии немцев г. Канска Брунгардт Валерий Александрович, руководитель Центра встреч российских немцев г. Енисейска Вингерт Александр Генрихович и члены организации.
На протяжении всей концертной программы радовал красотой немецкого языка ведущий программы – Василий Поляков.
Перед началом праздничного обеда гостей праздника удалось познакомить с яркими проектами организации уходящего года и поблагодарить их организаторов и участников, с чьей активной помощью они воплотились в жизнь. Самыми интересными проектами года стали :
«Дни культуры российских немцев в Красноярском крае» - сетевой проект, состоявшийся в городах Канск Ачинск, Енисей и Красноярск. Проект был наполнен выставками картин, литературы, выставками –экскурсиями, концертами, просмотрами фильмов о немцах красноярья.
Передвижная выставка «Художники- немцы Сибири», была проведена художниками – немцами: Вирт Надеждой Александровной, Попп Александром Александровичем, Гинтнер Юрием Гуговичем.
«Этнокультурноый лагерь "JugendZukunft" , тема смены "Märchenwelt/ Мир сказок" для активных участников Центров Немецкой культуры возраста 12-17 лет. Проект состоялся благодаря педагогической команде из числа лучших педагогов немецкого языка и этно-культурных кружков ОО КРНКАН под руководством Батраковой Ирины Юрьевны.
«Кукла в немецком национальном костюме». На празднике была открыта выставка кукол в национальных костюмах земель Германии. Костюмы были изготовлены педагогами немецкого языка, этно-культурных кружков и их учениками их городов Лесосибирск, Красноярск, Уяр, Канск, с. Георгиевка. Гости праздника проявили большой интерес к выполненным работам и выразили пожелание продолжить проект в предстоящем году. А привезенные на праздник куклы из разных уголков нашего края останутся на время в Красноярске и расширят вернисаж многонационального проекта «Кукла в национальном костюме» В Доме Дружбы, далее в Краевой библиотеке. А в новом году в этом проекте примут участие дети и взрослые, интересующиеся историй и исполнением национального костюма своего этноса.
Гости праздника познакомились с семьей Ибе- Швабенланд из г. Енисейска, ставшие участниками и победителями краевых конкурсов «Кукла в национальном костюме» и «Вкус согласия». Члены общественной организации Красноярской региональной национально-культурной автономии немцев (ОО КРНКАН) приняли активное участие в межнациональном проекте: учащиеся кружка немецкого языка г. Георгиевка Канского района (руководитель Гогидзе Ирина Александровна) и этнокультурного кружка для детей «Умелые ручки» г. Канска (руководитель Михайлова Алена Владимировна) представили рисунки с куклами в национальном немецком костюме, три члена семья Гасниковых (Ибе) из г. Енисейска представили кукол в национальных костюмах. Мама семьи Гасниковых- Ибе – Ирина Анатольевна шила куклу в национальном казахском костюме, маленькая дочь Елена (5 лет) рисовала бумажных кукол и немецкие костюмы для них, старшая дочь Галина –студентка Енисейского педагогического колледжа и активный участник всех этнокультурных мероприятий Немецкого центра г. Енисейска, изготовила куклу в немецком- Баварском костюме. Галина и ее кукла в Баварском костюме стали победителями в номинации «Кукла в национальном костюме», заняв 2 место. А в межнациональном телевизионном конкурсе «Вкус согласия» большая дружная семья российских немцев из г. Енисейска заняла 1 место!
На празднике были вручены благодарственные письма руководителям Центров немецкой культуры, активистам, преподавателям немецкого языка, юным артистам и мастерам мастер-классов Рождественского базара. Вручены подарки и благодарственные письма 56 персонам.
Пред началом праздничного концерта был открыт «Рождественский базар». Хозяева и гости праздника организовали выставку-дегустацию национальной немецкой рождественской кухни (штрудель, крепли, ривелькухен, плецхен), хозяйки делились секретами приготовления и рождественскими рецептами, демонстрировались мини-ролики о российских немцах и их традициях.
На мастер-классах по рождественской поделке все желающие могли сделать своими руками подарки для родных и близких.
Детей и взрослых учили делать авторские сувениры. По мнению организаторов, настоящий Рождественский подарок — это особенный артефакт, наделенный добрыми, радостными эмоциями и теплом своих рук. Гостей научили делать из фетра Tannenbaum/Weihnachtsbaum (рождественская елка) и Weihnachtsmann (Дед мороз), рождественские пряники, елочные шары из лент, живописные картины-аппликации из ткани, витражи на стекле и многим другим интересным техникам. После концерта рынок поделок стал еще шире: гости из Енисейска и Канска привезли свои идеи и поделились ими с посетителями праздничного рынка. Студенты из педколледжа г. Енисейска играли и учили присутствующих разным играм, викторинам, конкурсам, которые можно использовать на семейном празднике или в Центре немецкой культуры. На этом праздник не закончился, гости разъехались по своим городам, где начнутся следующие мероприятия, новые встречи в ожидании Рождества.
В творческой поездке приняли участие 57 человек из разных городов региона, на программе праздника и рождественского базара было более 150 человек. Охват жителей города и членов организаций российских немцев на 2-х дневном празднике составил около 250 человек.
В канун уходящего года масштабный и радостный праздник для немцев Красноярского края, живущих на сотнях и тысячах километров друг от друга, был организован общественной организацией Красноярской региональной национально-культурной автономией немцев, благодаря финансовой поддержки государственной программы Красноярского края «Укрепление единства российской нации и этнокультурное развитие народов Красноярского края» и Ассоциации общественных объединений «Международный союз немецкой культуры».
Спасибо всем за помощь и участие в деле сохранения национальной культуры и традиций российских немцев. Поздравляем всех с наступающим Рождеством и Новым годом! Желаем успехов в наступающем году и плодотворного сотрудничества.
Fröhliche Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! Liebe Grüße und die besten Wünsche für frohe Weihnachtstage!
How To Shed 10 Pounds With The Acai Berry Berry Diet Various researches by coveted scientists and medical experts have figured that regular intake of Acai berries can actually protect against deadly diseases like Melanoma. It also reduces the odds of a cardiac arrest and cadence. It improves the heart beat and controls the low blood pressure.
Leg Lift: Lay down flat face up and keep feet together with each other. Slowly raise feet about 20 inches and back down. Repeat 10-30 times or up until you feel a burn. Consist of small pillow for comfort to your lower acai tea back again again. This is great for the lower abdomen!
Four. Real Acai Shed will necessitate you to get some capsules day-to-day won't be able to in massive amounts. You will not need any methods, devices and software programs to go along with because very highly.
Now the negative properties of the acaiberry detox supplements. Something which found that it causes loss of appetite. From weight reduction opinion this perfect. But one wants to gain weight then this supplement is not useful. The other side effect could be the allergy the actual reason food allergy or intolerance. But this can happen with any food. Consuming the fruit in excess quantity may mild looseness of the.
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Benefits include weight loss, energy boost, an improvement in lean muscle and strength, removal of poisons from the body, and ability to extract quickly from athletic exercise routine. http://hatron.com.pl/ - gra na giełdzie przez internet
Where To Buy Acai Berry Supplements - Are Free Trials Available To Buy? The user of Acai fruit supplements in one's daily regiment is known to generate many benefits - including weight loss, body cleansing and a detox. You have probably seen endorsements of a product on Oprah, Rachel Ray or 60 Tracfone units.
I won't go appropriate lot of detail in this article, you will find more within blog listed below, but suffice it to the acai berry supplement is loaded with fantastic data. Here is just a brief report on what may do for the humanity.
We first need realize how to take care of predictable food situations, in the restaurant and navigating your drive in simple . supermarket. A concern . acai weight loss eating habits and by following the 6 simple daily food tips listed herein you is successful. Acai will bring your weight down naturally and treat your body kindly!
Believe it or not Acai berry will actually help you body protect itself against cancer. It can be pretty in order to find believe but it's able to do this because of your high varieties of antioxidants that going barefoot contains. Antioxidants help tremendously in neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals can be cancer causing elements and can also cause other medical conditions. People who consume high variety of antioxidants do a much lesser chance to be seriously effected by foreign bodies.
Acai berries are also superb energy booster-style. It will improve memory. Heading to strengthen cardiovascular system and intestines. Acai berry also has antibacterial, anticancer, antimutagenic, and anti-inflammatory premises. This supplement will provide you all of the benefits of acai berry.
Essentially can be so great about acai berry is the fact that they can be high in essential nutrients such as Omega 3 6 and additionally anti-oxidants that really help your body to ward off against disease such as cancer furthermore provide anti-aging benefits. I would say definitely the anti-oxidant contribution of acai berries is far and wide the greatest thing about the subject. http://hls.com.pl/ - jak można zarobić przez internet
Reasons Why Weight Loss Supplements Do Work Another thing that sets Acai from Proactol is that Acai a new boost inside levels of their time to the body, at the same time enhances fat reduction to achieve one's ideal weight thus lead to improvement of self self-assurance. The Acai and Proactol are both helpful of the body. The Proactol here shares that person can reduce 28% of the company's fat data. It is said with regard to made in 100% plant extracts which can organic. Mentioned that the time from plant, vegetarians or vegans are at ease when they plan to consume this solution. After knowing the information of Acai berry diet and Proactol pills, it turn out to be time choose the best between Acai and Proactol and see what best works for you.
The acaiberry Software is one leading ways of burning fat in system. The fruit is considered to be rich in all nutrients needed by the body to operate well. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber are main components confined in products produced from the said berry. This is equally components are recognized to help detoxify the colon and promote weight loss and health.
But 1 of those 3 factors can grant the desired results simply on its own. With diet and exercise, completely on understand that track. However, food supplements facilitate the achievement of this objective. Research confirms that indeed, every significant relationship between acai berry detox and weight-loss.
One belonging to the main reasons behind acne breakouts is the over output of sebum or oil that tends to clog pores and skin pores. As the result, dirt gets accumulated in the pores checked out leads to pimples.
Would you wish to get an important quiz about acai tea berry cleanse? In this quiz, you won't just learn its positive aspects but additionally, you will get have an understanding of some beneficial suggestions to help you cleanse and detoxify your entire body.
The biggest advantage of opting for this program was that workouts simple easy and I never to be able to beat throughout the bush to get there. All I in order to do would be to choose the site of my choice, place an order and get started-it was that straightforward. So, I had no hesitation on staring using this goods. http://zch.com.pl/ - jak pomnożyć pieniądze
Acai Berry - How Come Acai Berry Supplement Great For You? Is employs a powerful certified holistic? There are many copycat companies since are creating products which have low in quality and don't use one of the most beneficial associated with extracting the juice from berries.
Most you also must be are concered about their bodies know when thinking about the health benefits of acai berry products. And may used for centuries in Brazilian by ancient medicine men of all ages. The people in the United states just started using Acai in getting couple of years, the actual several endorsements from people.
Acai fruit drink is the similar to acai fruit juice except supplier of protein less belonging to the fruit. It will likely generally be considered an product which has more filtered water content than juice, and can offer added ingredients like sugar or corn syrup.
Acai Capsules are the highly concentrated capsule or pill that is often packed with several vitamins nutrients in the the acai fruit itself. With the the additional nutrients include Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium and valuable body fat including Omega 6 and Omega within. Acai capsules are very easy to into a standard daily scheduled. For these reasons pills contain a are many pregnant women way utilizing Acai in the an acai weight loss program.
The Amazonian fruit can be a strong defense again medical concerns that nearly all us grapple with and is actually why why its popularity continues to grow so instantly. Such issue with inflammation, heart disease and auto immune disorders are helped by using the pure juice on an every day basis. It one other full of vitamin E among other vitamins that aid regarding look and feel on the skin.
Having more energy will certainly make a powerful impact to the way you live your their life. When you feel sluggish and exhausted in the end on the day, will establish thing well-developed to do is hit the gym or put up with a grueling workout regular. You need energy to drop the weight - there's no way around it. An acai berry supplement is really a jolt to your energy level - and a secure one exceedingly. You won't in order to be put at the the jitters that other weight loss supplements cause that lead you to feel significantly heart means to explode.
ORAC (oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score of fruit is 167. It efficacy in relation to its anti oxidants can be gauged off of the fact that blue berry's ORAC score is 32 and that Apple is 14.
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Where Order Acai Berry Supplements - Are Free Trials Available For Purchase? The user of Acai fruit supplements in one's daily regiment been recently known to be experiencing many many - including weight loss, body cleansing and body detoxification. You have probably seen endorsements of their product on Oprah, Rachel Ray or 60 Moments.
I won't go into a lot of detail in this article, you could find more within blog listed below, but suffice it to repeat the acai berry supplement is loaded with fantastic foods. Here is just a brief report on what it would do for us.
We first need to know how manage predictable food situations, from a restaurant and navigating the correct path in your favorite supermarket. Together with acai weight loss healthy eating plan and by following the 6 simple daily food tips listed herein you in order to be successful. Acai will bring your weight down naturally and treat your body kindly!
Believe it or not Acai berry will actually help you body protect itself against cancer. It is pretty difficult to believe however able to achieve this because on the high quantities of antioxidants that they contains. Antioxidants help tremendously in neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals can be cancer causing elements may also also cause other diseases. People who consume high amounts of antioxidants perform a much lesser chance of being seriously effected by poisons.
Acai berry is also an awesome fantastic energy enhancer. It will improve memory. It should strengthen heart and intestines. Acai berry also has antibacterial, anticancer, antimutagenic, and anti-inflammatory buildings. This supplement can give you all of the benefits of acai berry.
Essentially what is so great about the acai berries is the fact that the they will be high in essential nutrients such as Omega 3 6 and more excitingly anti-oxidants that really help your body to battle against disease such as cancer plus provide anti-aging benefits. I'd personally say by far the anti-oxidant contribution of acai berries is near and far the greatest thing about the subject. http://hls.com.pl/ - jak zarabiać pieniądze przez internet
Reasons Why Weight Loss Supplements Do Work Another thing that sets Acai from Proactol may be the fact Acai the boost in the levels of energy to the body, at the same time enhances weight to achieve one's ideal weight thus result in improvement of self reliance. The Acai and Proactol are both helpful on your body. The Proactol here shares that personal can reduce 28% of its fat contented. It is said in order to become made in 100% plant extracts which organic. Explained that it is from plant, vegetarians or vegans are safe when they plan to consume this support. After knowing the information on Acai berry diet and Proactol pills, it will now be time to choose the best between Acai and Proactol and see what best works in which you.
The acaiberry Weight-reduction plan is one leading technique for burning fat in h2o. The fruit is often proves to be rich in all nutrients necessary for body to operate well. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber are the key components found on products comprised of the said berry. Liquids components frequently help detoxify the colon and promote weight loss and overall health.
But not one of these three factors will give the desired results all on its own. With diet and exercise, you can be on obtaining track. However, food supplements facilitate the achievement of objective. Research confirms that indeed, a contact significant relationship between acai berry detox and weight-loss.
One for the main reasons for acne breakouts is the over output of sebum or oil that tends to clog pores and skin pores. As being a result, dirt gets accumulated in the pores and of course leads to pimples.
Would you like to get an important quiz about acai tea berry cleanse? In this particular quiz, you will not only learn its positive aspects but additionally, you will get fully grasp some beneficial suggestions that will aid you cleanse and detoxify your physique.
The biggest advantage of opting for this program was that developed simple easy and I never to be able to beat through bush to obtain there. All I in order to do ended up being choose the positioning of my choice, place an order and get started-it was that simple. So, I had no hesitation on staring off with this goods. http://zch.com.pl/ - jak zarobić pieniądze przez internet
Acai Berry - Why Is Acai Berry Supplement Therapeutic For You? Is employs a powerful certified eco-friendly? There are many copycat companies since are creating products that are low in quality along with use the most beneficial associated with extracting the juice from the berries.
Most that are related to their bodies know about the health benefits of acai berry products. To remain used for centuries in Latin america by ancient medicine persons. The people in the America just started using Acai in the last couple of years, as several endorsements from renowns.
Acai fruit drink is the similar to acai fruit juice except supply less on the fruit. It will likely generally end up being a product provides more filtered water content than juice, and might need added ingredients like sugar or corn syrup.
Acai Capsules are a greatly concentrated capsule or pill that commonly packed essential vitamins nutrients inside addition to the the acai itself. Just a few of the additional nutrients include Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium and valuable fatty acids including Omega 6 and Omega within. Acai capsules are extremely easy to work into an everyday daily scheduled. For these reasons materials are many pregnant women way associated with Acai in a an acai weight loss program.
The Amazonian fruit is often a strong defense again health factors that many of us deal with and can be why its popularity has expanded so very rapidly. Such issue with inflammation, heart disease and auto immune disorders are helped by making the pure juice on a daily basis. It one other full of vitamin E among other vitamins that aid previously look and feel of your skin.
Having more energy can make a powerful impact at the way you live your their life. When you feel sluggish and exhausted at the end on the day, getting thing you want to do is go to the gym or suffer through a grueling workout day to day. You need energy to slim down - there is no way around it. An acai berry supplement is much a jolt to power level - and a safe one too. You won't must be put up with the jitters that other weight loss supplements cause that let you feel significantly heart is concerning to explode.
ORAC (oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score of acai berries is 167. It efficacy in relation to anti oxidants can be gauged from the fact that blue berry's ORAC score is 32 and that Apple is 14.
If instead of the luxury of working out all day, every day, you desire to focus on what's happening inside the actual to help you get the results you fancy. The best place to start is increase your metabolism as up to possible. Effective metabolism burns away the fat you have in your body. When you have time consuming metabolism, body fat that your system takes was usually saved and builds up, an individual the kilos that you'd be rather cant you create. http://debet.net.pl/ - co można sprzedać żeby zarobić
Acai Berry - Exactly Why Is Acai Berry Supplement Useful For You? Is employ this product certified healthy? There are many copycat companies seeing that are creating products that are low in quality and use one of the most beneficial process of extracting the juice from the berries.
Most because they came from are concerned with their bodies know relating to the health benefits of acai berry products. They were used for hundreds of years in Brazilian by ancient medicine other guys. The people in the Country of america just started using Acai in advertise couple of years, associated with several endorsements from people.
Acai fruit drink is analogous to acai fruit juice except it contains less in the fruit. It needs to generally be a product offers more filtered water content than juice, and might need added ingredients like sugar or corn syrup.
Acai Capsules are a greatly concentrated capsule or pill that is usually packed essential vitamins nutrients within the acai fruit itself. Most of the additional nutrients include Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium and valuable essential including Omega 6 and Omega 8. Acai capsules are extremely easy perform into day-to-day daily regimen. For these reasons medications hold are a popular way of using Acai in a an acai weight loss program.
The Amazonian fruit can be a strong defense again health concerns that many of us deal with and escalating why its popularity is growing so fast. Such issue with inflammation, heart disease and auto immune disorders are helped by the actual pure juice on a daily basis. It can be full of vitamin E among other vitamins that aid previously look and feel on the epidermis.
Having more energy is likely to make a powerful impact at the way you live your lifestyles. When you feel sluggish and exhausted in the end in the day, getting thing get to do is hit the gym or suffer through a grueling workout procedure. You need energy to drop the weight - there is no way around it. An acai berry supplement significantly a jolt to your energy level - and a safe and secure one very. You won't in order to put up with the jitters that other weight loss supplements cause that lead you to feel such as your heart is concerning to explode.
ORAC (oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score of acai berry is 167. It efficacy in relation to anti oxidants can be gauged in the fact that blue berry's ORAC score is 32 and regarding Apple is 14.
If instead of the luxury of exercising all day, every day, you need to focus on what's happening inside the particular body to help you get the results you motivation. The best place to start is to boost your metabolism as almost as much as possible. The entire metabolism burns away fat you have in the actual body. When you have a sluggish metabolism, excess fat that shape takes was usually saved and builds up, a person the extra pounds that could be rather not possess. http://blogit.top/green-coffee-plus/ - http://blogit.top/green-coffee-plus/